Monday, August 18, 2008

Dendrobium lampongense

Dendrobium lampongense JJ Sm 1908
Section Calcarifera

This plant was coming from Kalimantan. At first I thought it was Dendrobium cinereum. However, the flower is quite big and stronger in color than Dendrobium cinereum. Then my friend confirmed that this is Dendrobium lampongense.


  1. Wow... new look ha! Nice! Congratulation.... BTW, where can I find this orchid? I like to have this too....

  2. I thought this orchid were natives of Lampung... that's where the name lampongense came from. but it's so strange that u say it comes from Kalimantan, he he he... but it's okay, likes phal amboinensis that had widespread in sulawesi

  3. keren bunganya mba...bener kan mas wawan?

  4. Mas Wawan,
    Thank you for your comments. Actually I got it mixed up. It was in a bundle with Dendrobium cinereum. But when the flower kept on getting bigger before it was blooming, then I thought i got a Dendrobium sanguinolentum. However Mrs Eliyani corrected that it was actually Dendrobium lampongense.

    I dont know where you can get it from nursery in Jakarta, but you can ask Mrs Eliyani if she has more at her collection.
    Good luck!

  5. Ah Mbak Nenes iso wae... aku sing ngiler liat anggrekmu... hihihihi...
    Aku nunggu dibagi ah....haahahaha... ngarep deeeeeeeeeeccchhhhh!

    Thanks ya Mbak untuk apresiasinya.
