Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dendrobium trilamellatum

Dendrobium trilamellatum was described by JJ Smith 1908.

The flowers are fragrant, and appear from spike which can be up to 40cm long. This species enjoy a lot of air movement around it, and can tolerate semi-shade position to full sun.


  1. Can u help me to explain the differences between d. trilamellatum and d. johannis? For me, the differences of those two orchids still unclear. Everyone that I've been ask for this have their own perspective that sometimes in vise-versa. Thx.

  2. Dear Wawan,

    Thank you for your comment.

    For one, the inflorescence of Den johannis is smaller than that of Den trilamellatum.

    Kindly refer to the SPATULATA ORCHIDS PAPUA NEW GUINEA book for your reference. I hope that would help a bit...

    Happy growing...
